Monday, July 23, 2012

Memory Box!

What seems to be a popular pin on Pinterest (or at least amongst people I follow/follow me) is this memory box.  The original idea is the brainchild of this blogger.  The basic idea is to use a shadow box to display all of your movie and event tickets in a nice way that doesn't consume much space and doesn't look too busy!  I only made a few changes- I used a 12"x12" instead of a 8 1/2"x11" (partially because it was the only one I could find, plus I had a ton of 12"x12" scrapbook paper to choose from!  I also had to cut the slot into the back since I couldn't find a wooden box (but soooooon I plan on making my own!).  Rest assured, the cardboard and felt were a pain to cut through (whereas I would have dragged out the jigsaw or something if it was wood).  I love my take on this, but thanks to the blogger who dreamt it up in the first place!

Past projects summary

I guess you could say this post is meant to summarize a few of the crafts I've done over the past few years- ones that I still have, that is.

I bought this iPod dock at Bed, Bath and Beyond a few summers ago- it came with multiple plates in several colors that can be switched out, so I decided to add some bling to the plain ol' silver one.  Considering covering one of the other ones in glitter :)  (ps- this iPod dock is GREAT, I've had it two, maybe three, years and haven't had issues with it and it fits my iPhone, too!)  I know it's super simple, but 1) all you need is love rhinestones, and 2) simple is good sometimes.  I still have 4 others to jazz up as well!

A few months ago I rediscovered a TON of necklaces I had in my jewelry box- I'm the type of person that "out of sight, out of mind" REALLY applies to.  I picked my brain for a way to have them on display that didn't look too busy and this is what I came up with.  I don't garage sale very much (I know, I really should) so I didn't have any old rakes or anything fancy like other people have come up with, so this suits me just fine.  You can probably tell I expanded it at one point, based on the spacing.  I had this leftover cork from another project (which will someday be posted), but it's REALLY cheap at craft stores. :)

 I made this box for my wedding- I like to try and be a really DIY person, but with school and everything else going on, I didn't have much time to make anything.  However, I saw on Etsy that some of the card boxes cost around $80 (for a nice one, that is), and I didn't want any of the cheap ugly ones from Walmart or any of the craft stores- so I came up with this.  Some simple scrapbook paper mod-podged to the box, a ribbon border on the lid, and a Dior Bow.  Simple and effective, and it wound up being the perfect size! (as opposed to the fancy tiered ones on Etsy)

I'm always seeing all sorts of fancy initials and monograms on Pinterest, so I decided to make my first initial.  Currently thinking of monogram and last initial ideas! :)

And last, but not least, the pomander ball.  I actually had fun making it, but these are TIME-CONSUMING to make!  Hence the reason I only have one.  For the next one, though, I'm trying to think of something more creative than plain scrapbook paper.

Southern Roots

So a few weeks ago I decided to get in touch with my southern roots- yes, despite living in North Dakota, I have experience with the good ol' south. :)

Anyways, fresh catfish had been on sale at the nearby grocery store, so I picked some up and pondered how to make it and what to make it with.  Then I thought to myself, "Self, what is a nice southern side dish to go with catfish?" and I came up with corn bread.

As you can see, the result was beautiful.

The catfish was "oven-fried" and I found the recipe for it here.  Despite all of the comments, I followed the directions exactly (which is what I normally do the first time I try a recipe- if I like the recipe well enough, I make it again somewhere down the road with my own fantastic special changes) and the end-product was perfect.  It had the taste and texture of pan-fried catfish, but lacked the grease as well all of the unhealthiness- not that I'm hugely into eating healthily (but I should be), but it's an added bonus.  In the future I would maybe change some of the seasonings; I feel as though fish should nearly always have lemon with it (although there have been exceptions).  So, I would probably add a bit of lemon pepper.  Oh, and some extra spice... who doesn't love semi-spicy foods?

Despite summers in the south, along with the occasional Christmas or spring break, I never really did have cornbread all that much.  So, when I tried this recipe, I had no idea what to expect.  However, my husband really loves cornbread (which surprised me, because sometimes he can be a titch picky) and he said this turned out wonderfully.  I didn't tweak the recipe and I don't think I would- plus, it was fairly simple to make.  I even semi-enjoyed it (not that I didn't like it, it just seems to be too "heavy" of a food for my liking).


1) I should get in touch with my southern roots more often, and
2) both of these recipes are worth keeping and will go into my cookbook.